Don McLeroy vs. National Academy of Sciences

I’m not sure what the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) did to get on Don McLeroy’s bad side, but the deposed chair of the Texas State Board of Education has renewed his assault on the most prestigious science academy in the world. Only this time, he’s trying to insert his grievance in the state’s social […]

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Reality vs. Perception on SBOE Ethics?

On Friday two Texas State Board of Education members at the center of recent stories about ethics concerns denied that they have done anything wrong. Check out reports on this from the Houston Chronicle, Austin American-Statesman and Dallas Morning News. The denials came on the same day the state board’s Finance/Permanent School Fund Committee discussed whether the […]

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David Barton’s Vision of America

As David Barton helps guide the revision of social studies curriculum standards for Texas public schools, it’s important to keep his agenda in mind. In fact, that agenda will be the focus of a conference for right-wing legislators Barton’s organization, WallBuilders, is hosting Nov. 5-8 in Dallas. WallBuilders hopes to draw lawmakers from states around the country to […]

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Go Bananas with the Texas Freedom Network

Does Texas politics drive you bananas? Then come monkey around with us at Texas Freedom Network’s 14th Annual Celebration on Thursday, Oct. 22, in Austin. This is TFN’s biggest party and fundraiser of the year. The event includes great food, cash bar and a silent auction. And this year the National Comedy Theatre will provide […]

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