Ken Mercer Attacks Teachers (Again)

Need more evidence of the contempt right-wing members of the Texas State Board of Education have for classroom teachers? Check out a column from San Antonio board member Ken Mercer this week on the conservative Web site Texas Insider. Mercer uses the piece to criticize his opponent — Tim Tuggey — in the March 2010 […]

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Talking Points

From today’s TFN News Clips: “This was not a full representation of Republicans in the state of Texas, and it’s disappointing to me that the vote occurred with no discussion and was done by secret ballot. In fact, what’s happened is we’ve set the party back five years.” — Jonathan Neerman, chair of the Dallas […]

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Rehabilitating Joseph McCarthy?

To the abundant evidence showing that ideologues and non-historians shouldn’t be deciding what students learn in their history classrooms, add another exhibit: far-right efforts to use our kids’ classrooms to rehabilitate the image of  Joseph McCarthy and turn him into an American hero. Sadly, that’s what some members of the Texas State Board of Education and […]

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Talking Points

From today’s TFN News Clips: “Church unity can never be a virtue that is preserved by allowing injustice, oppression, and psychological tyranny to go unchallenged. I will also no longer act as if I need a majority vote of some ecclesiastical body in order to bless, ordain, recognize, and celebrate the lives and gifts of […]

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More McLeroy Malarkey, Part 2

Last week, we brought you some choice selections from cryptic, hand-scribbled memos Texas State Board of Education member Don McLeroy wrote to curriculum writers preparing the latest draft of social studies standards (“More McLeroy Malarkey, Part 1”).  Here is Part 2. To the “World History Studies” writing team, McLeroy suggests a few additions to the […]

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