Finger Pointing at the Texas SBOE

Once again we see evidence that the Legislature made a huge mistake last spring by not letting Texas voters decide whether to strip the State Board of Education of authority over managing the Permanent School Fund. (Republican leaders in the state Senate helped kill that and a number of other SBOE reform bills.) It has […]

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The Year in Quotes: Sex Education

Today let’s review some memorable quotes from this year on sex education. Check out previous The Year in Quotes posts here and here. “Men sexually are like microwaves and women are like crockpots.” “If a woman is dry, the sperm will die. If a woman is wet, a baby she will get!” “You know people […]

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Talking Points

From today’s TFN News Clips: “Well, you know I’m an evangelical Christian. I believe that God created everything and that he is who he says he was. The Bible says that he created man and woman; it doesn’t say that he created an amoeba and then they evolved into man and woman.” — Minnesota Gov. Tim […]

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The Year in Quotes: Just Plain Kooky

Today we continue our review of the nonsense we heard from the far right in 2009. Some quotes defy attempts to categorize. So let’s just say these are, well, just plain kooky. (Click here to see crazy quotes from the right about science and science education this year.) “Rather than everyone here having to learn […]

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A Reminder: TFN’s Matching Gift Challenge

We told you earlier this month that a few generous donors have established a $50,000 Matching Gift Challenge for the Texas Freedom Network. Click here to read more about it. Then please  consider joining our ongoing efforts to support sound science, strong public schools, religious freedom and individual liberties. Click here to make your 2009 […]

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