Live-Blogging the Social Studies Debate

3:27 – The Texas State Board of Education is beginning its discussion and debate on new social studies curriculum standards. 3:47 – Oh, this is gonna be a lonnnggg afternoon… 3:53 – Board member Barbara Cargill has offered a variety of relatively minor amendments. 3:54 – To save our fingers, we’ll probably avoid recapping each […]

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Today’s SBOE Social Studies Debate

The Texas State Board of Education is progressing slowly through early agenda items this morning. We anticipate that the board won’t get to the debate over proposed new social studies curriculum standards until after lunch. TFN Insider will resume live-blogging from the meeting once board members take up the social studies debate. […]

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Live-Blogging the Social Studies Hearing II

Testimony and our live-blogging will resume after the board returns from a lunch break at 2 p.m. A live, streaming Web cast of the hearing is available here. Click on the January 13 link. SBOE Chair Gail Lowe says the board will end the hearing at 6 p.m., even if there are people still waiting to […]

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Live-Blogging the Social Studies Hearing

9:58 – The Texas State Board of Education swept through the all five earlier items on its agenda this morning and have already begun the hearing on proposed social studies standards for Texas public schools. A live, streaming Web cast of the hearing is available here. Click on the January 13 link. 10:02 – TFN […]

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The Battle Joined

The Texas Freedom Network sent out the following press release after our press conference this morning at the Texas Education Agency: The state’s leading religious liberties group today joined with clergy and scholars in calling on the State Board of Education to approve new curriculum standards that don’t undermine religious freedom in Texas social studies […]

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