Blogging the Social Studies Debate II

12:18 p.m. – Civil rights groups are out in force today, with speakers calling on the Texas State Board of Education to stop undermining the coverage of minorities and the civil rights movement in the standards. 12:32 – State Rep. Mike Villarreal, D-San Antonio, noted the state board debate on his Web site this morning: […]

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FOX Coverage of Texas Debate: FAIL

UPDATE: The Texas Education Agency has now posted the press release on its Web site. In a highly unusual move, the Texas Education Agency has just distributed a press release sharply criticizing the grossly inaccurate coverage of the debate over social studies curriculum standards in Texas. Three cheers to TEA’s press office for calling out […]

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Blogging the Social Studies Debate

11:20 a.m. – The Texas State Board of Education meeting has just begun. The board will soon begin to hear public testimony on the proposed social studies curriculum standards for public schools. You can follow the action here and on the Texas Education Agency’s live Webstream. Meanwhile, here’s a photo of a press conference this […]

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SBOE Takes Up Social Studies Again

On Wednesday (March 10) the Texas State Board of Education will resume its debate — begun in January — on proposed new social studies curriculum standards for public schools. TFN Insider will blog from the meeting at the Texas Education Agency building in Austin. The meeting begins at 11 a.m., and we anticipate that two […]

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Talking Points

From today’s TFN News Clips: “Well, if you grab the minds of the young people you grab the minds of the next generation.” — Jay Sekulow, chief counsel for the far-right American Center for Law and Justice, discussing efforts by far-right pressure groups to control textbook content in Texas public schools. Stay informed with TFN News […]

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