Talking Points

From today’s TFN News Clips: “It is of no concern to me if this president, or any president, issues prayer proclamations. I can pray, or not, without government encouragement.” — Cal Thomas, a conservative commentator, writing about a recent court ruling that it is unconstitutional for government to promote the National Day of Prayer. Stay informed […]

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California Advances Anti-Texas Textbook Bill

The national backlash against the Texas State Board of Education‘s politicization of history and social studies curriculum standards is gathering steam. Yesterday a California Senate committee approved a bill requiring that education officials report to legislators and the state’s education secretary any changes influenced by the Texas standards when they review textbook content. California Sen. […]

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Will They Ever Tell the Truth?

We’ll say this for the folks at the far-right Liberty Institute in Plano: they do a very good job of lying to their own members. The latest example is an e-mail blast to LI members today about the State Board of Education and the revision of social studies curriculum standards for Texas public schools. The […]

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Public School Students: Headed to HELL?

Did you know public schools “promote a culture of immorality and death”? That public school students are more likely “to engage in sex and perversions,” “get an STD” and “commit suicide”? Or more to the point, did you realize that putting your children in public schools means they are “more likely to go to HELL”? That’s what […]

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