Hate Mail-o-Rama

Various newspapers, including the Dallas Morning News and the Houston Chronicle, have now published Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller’s op-ed about the State Board of Education — and the hate mail is pouring in! We decided to share. (We haven’t corrected typos and such.) Some is concise, if caustic, as in this e-mail under […]

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Religious Right Gushes over Texas Standards

No surprise, of course, that religious-right pressure groups and websites are engaged in an orgy of praise for the politicized curriculum standards the State Board of Education has approved for Texas public schools. And just as predictable is their common, deliberately insulting line of argument: anyone who disagrees with them must be a radical leftist […]

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Church, State and Cynthia Dunbar

In an article on the website of Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University, Texas State Board of Education member Cynthia Dunbar is pretending to give history and constitutional lessons about the principle of church-state separation. The article explains that Dunbar’s critics — it focuses largely on the Texas Freedom Network — have been critical about her tasteless […]

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Embracing Extremism in the Texas GOP

UPDATE: Now we find out that Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., is coming to the Texas GOP convention in June. See more at the end of this post. Don McLeroy lost his chairmanship of the State Board of Education last year because he was more interested in promoting his own narrow ideological views than facts and […]

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Dallas Morning News Publishes TFN Op-Ed

The Dallas Morning News is running an op-ed from Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller about last week’s debacle at the State Board of Education and why Texas must change the way it decides what our children learn in their public schools. Money quote: Throughout the state board’s needlessly drawn-out and divisive debates over standards […]

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