Texans have plenty of it. Common sense, that is. Not, unfortunately, sex education. The results of the TFN Education Fund’s statewide survey we released yesterday showed that 80 percent of likely voters in Texas agree that high school classes on sex education should teach “about contraception, such as condoms and other birth control, along with […]
Recent Blogs
Poll: Texans Fed Up with Education Wars
Today the Texas Freedom Network Education Fund released results from a statewide survey of what Texans think about the intersection of politics and religion with public schools. We released results from two questions back in May. One showed overwhelming support for putting teachers and scholars, instead of politicians on the State Board of Education, in […]
Barton + Gohmert + Politics = Crazy Time
This could be fun — in a “did they really say that?!?” kind of way. David Barton has invited Louie Gohmert, a Republican congressman from East Texas who can barely open his mouth without saying something outrageous, to be on his daily Internet radio program tomorrow (Tuesday). As readers of TFN Insider already know, Barton […]
Barton Finally Gets University Gig
Well, we can no longer accuse wannabe historian David Barton of never holding an actual teaching position at a university. He can now add “professor at Glenn Beck University” to his vita. A fake university and a fake historian — a match made in heaven. Barton’s latest collaboration with his new BFF Glenn Beck of […]
Colbert Hearts Texas SBOE
Thought the late night comedians had moved on from ridiculing the Texas State Board of Education? Think again. Stephen Colbert of The Colbert Report once again took aim at his favorite punching bag last night in a segment called “I’s on Edjukashun.” Check it out. (Colbert’s riff on the SBOE starts just after the 2:00 […]