Congress and the Texas Ed Board

We sent out the following Action Alert yesterday, calling on TFN members to contact their U.S. House members in support of a resolution on the Texas State Board of Education. Tell Your Congress Member to Support Education over Politics The Texas Freedom Network and the Texas Faith Network this week joined nearly two dozen national […]

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The Sound of Silence

As attacks on the religious liberties of American Muslims grow, where are the supposed voices for religious freedom among far-right groups in Texas? Pressure groups like Liberty Institute (the Texas affiliate of Focus on the Family) and Texas Eagle Forum often grandstand about threats to First  Amendment’s protections for religious freedom when they claim Christians […]

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Only ‘Real’ Christians Need Apply?

Religious-right pressure groups and their leaders regularly encourage Christians to get out to the polls and vote for candidates who support their political agenda. On Monday, for example, the far-right organization Restore America sent out a mass e-mail calling for churches across the country to register Christians to vote in the November general election. Of course, we […]

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TFN, National Groups Support Resolution

The Texas Freedom Network just issued the following press release: TFN Joins National Groups Opposing Politicization of Curriculum Standards in Texas Letter Supports U.S. House Resolution Calling for Experts to Determine Standards, Not Politicians FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 5, 2010 The Texas Freedom Network and the Texas Faith Network have joined nearly two dozen national […]

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Has Peter Marshall Come Unhinged?

Reading his increasingly vitriolic commentaries, one begins to question the Rev. Peter Marshall‘s grasp of reality. Yet the State Board of Education put him in a prominent position to influence what millions of public school children in Texas will learn in their social studies classrooms. The mind still reels at the thought. In any case, […]

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