Lie to the Voters?

The falsehoods continue to flow in Republican efforts to shield the party’s candidates in the Texas State Board of Education elections in November. Now District 5 board incumbent Ken Mercer, a San Antonio Republican, says he won’t participate in the League of Women Voters debate set for September 28 in Austin — but he either […]

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Hide from the Voters?

That seems to be the advice from the chairman of the Texas Republican Party to GOP candidates for two State Board of Education seats representing large swaths of Central Texas. As we reported last week, the League of Women Voters has invited all candidates for the District 5 and District 10 state board seats to […]

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Ignore for a moment Gary Bauer’s predictably sneering suggestion that President Obama is a closet Muslim-lover. That kind of bigotry has become standard for the religious right. But check out these other passages from a new essay by the commentator and former Republican presidential candidate: Progressives and Islamists are indeed on the same side. Their […]

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Barton and Civil Rights

In TFN’s 2006 report The Anatomy of Power: The Religious Right and Political Power, we took a hard look at the career of pseudo-scholar David Barton and his efforts to provide a historical justification for making religion the basis for government policy.  Our conclusion: His main accomplishment (has been) to provide a bridge between the […]

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LWV Sets Texas SBOE Candidate Debate

With the general election campaign moving into high gear after Labor Day, voters will have more opportunities to meet and hear from candidates. League of Women Voters of the Austin Area Education Fund and public television station KLRU in Austin already have one such event scheduled: a debate featuring candidates for the Texas State Board […]

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