For those who think the proposed Islamic community center near Ground Zero in New York is an affront to the memory of the nearly 3,000 people murdered on 9/11, this New York Times story might be illuminating. It seems employees and visitors used an Islamic prayer room in the South Tower of the World Trade […]
Recent Blogs
TFN on the Road
We wanted to let readers know about opportunities to meet Texas Freedom Network staff members and learn more about the organization in events this fall. TFN’s annual members’ reception in Houston is set for September 21. Click here to learn more and to register to attend. Our annual members’ reception in San Antonio is on […]
Religious Freedom and America
Some critics have continually and absurdly attacked President Obama for supposedly not calling out the murderers behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks, for supposedly not talking about his Christian faith (if, indeed, they even believe he’s a Christian) and for supposedly being too pro-Muslim (whatever that means). So we thought this response by President Obama to […]
Jobs and Gay Marriage
Yeah, we know. What in the world does one have to do with the other? That’s a good question for Texas Gov. Rick Perry. Here’s what he said recently on the campaign trail (partial audio here): “There is still a land of opportunity, friends — it’s called Texas. We’re creating more jobs than any other […]
Peter Marshall Passes Away
We just learned that the Rev. Peter Marshall, who advised the Texas State Board of Education on proposed new social studies curriculum standards last year, passed away suddenly this week. The Texas Freedom Network and Rev. Marshall had sharp differences of opinion on politics and education. Regardless, we extend our condolences to his family and […]