Jobs and Gay Marriage

Yeah, we know. What in the world does one have to do with the other? That’s a good question for Texas Gov. Rick Perry. Here’s what he said recently on the campaign trail (partial audio here): “There is still a land of opportunity, friends — it’s called Texas. We’re creating more jobs than any other […]

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Peter Marshall Passes Away

We just learned that the Rev. Peter Marshall, who advised the Texas State Board of Education on proposed new social studies curriculum standards last year, passed away suddenly this week. The Texas Freedom Network and Rev. Marshall had sharp differences of opinion on politics and education. Regardless, we extend our condolences to his family and […]

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Not about Politics? Don’t Believe It

Experience has taught us this: when someone from the religious right insists that a provocative event he has scheduled isn’t really about politics, you can be pretty certain that politics is exactly what it’s about. Today’s example: a far-right group called Operation Save America plans on Saturday “to present a prophetic message” about 9/11 at an […]

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Beck’s ‘Black Robe Regiment’

Fox News talk show host Glenn Beck has clearly climbed aboard the religious right’s campaign to organize fundamentalist clergy in support of its political agenda. After talking to Texan and pseudo-historian David Barton, Beck announced at his recent Restoring Honor rally in Washington the formation of the so-called “Black Robe Regiment.” The name, Barton told […]

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Texas Eagle Forum: Anti-Net Neutrality?

Texas Eagle Forum’s home page today links to this post on the Eagle Forum blog, which claims that net neutrality is a “big liberal cause.” The post seems to argue that government should not bar companies that provide Internet service from favoring or disfavoring certain content available on the web. The right’s assault on net […]

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