Group Promotes Anti-Muslim Discrimination

UPDATE: We had hoped this could go without saying, but apparently we must make it clear: comments promoting anti-Muslim bigotry and, especially, violence against Muslims will not be approved. Sadly, there are plenty of forums for that kind of trash. This isn’t one of them. Texas Eagle Forum’s website has posted an essay that calls […]

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New Texas Education Board: What’s Ahead?

Yesterday’s elections will bring a lot of new faces to the Texas State Board of Education in January. The big question is whether those new faces will bring to the board a new focus on educating children instead of promoting personal and political agendas. As of now, the state board will still have at least […]

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Check TFN’s Voter Guide — Then VOTE!

On Tuesday voters head to the polls in important elections for state and national offices. Races for the Texas State Board of Education are especially important this year. For the past four years, a powerful faction of political and religious extremists on the state board has turned nearly every critical debate on curriculum standards and […]

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Are You a Christian or Judeo-Christian Voter?

The religious right insists on using faith to divide Americans. So with voters headed to the polls on Tuesday, the website for WallBuilders — David Barton’s Texas-based group that opposes separation of church and state — offers two links to voter guides: one for Christians and one for “Judeo-Christians.” (Click the image below to see […]

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A note to TFN Insider readers: We have noticed that some legitimate comments from readers get caught by a WordPress spam filter. It’s actually a pretty good filter — nearly all spam comments are caught before we ever see them (and we get hundreds of spam comments on unrelated topics ranging from Nigerian royalty who […]

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