How Easily They Forget

Some Texas State Board of Education members aren’t content with just rewriting American history. Apparently, they would also like to write other board members out of the board’s history itself. Consider this passage in the latest edition of the Cargill Connection, an e-mail newsletter from board member Barbara Cargill, R-The Woodlands: “The November meeting will […]

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Not Encouraging

We were worried that Carlos “Charlie” Garza, who defeated Democratic incumbent Rene Nuñez, would align with the Texas State Board of Education‘s far-right faction. A newspaper interview with the El Paso Republican isn’t encouraging. According to the El Paso Times interview, which was published November 7, Garza thinks public schools should teach “multiple views” about […]

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Science Under Siege — Louisiana Edition

The religious right’s war to undermine teaching about evolutionary science has spilled over the state line from Texas into Louisiana. Today a Louisiana panel is considering proposed biology textbooks that religious-right groups criticize as pro-evolution. Barbara Forrest, a professor at Southeastern Louisiana University and a co-founder of the Louisiana Coalition for Science, is very concerned: […]

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Making Texans Sound Silly

Is it really too much to ask that members of Congress from Texas not make it sound like everybody in this state is silly? Talking Points Memo reports this about Joe Barton, the Republican congressman from Ennis (near Dallas) who could be chair of the House Energy and Commerce Committee come January: Barton laid out […]

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‘God-Fearing Conservatives’

In an e-mail to WallBuilders supporters today, David Barton calls last week’s elections a victory for “especially for God-fearing conservatives.” Apparently, everybody else is God-hating. Always remember: if you oppose them, they won’t just attack your politics. They will attack your faith. UPDATE: And now we see a press release in which the Family Research […]

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