The Religious Right’s War on Unions

The war against unions and working class Americans that’s raging in Wisconsin and other states isn’t just a campaign being waged by economic conservatives and wealthy special interests. Check out this fascinating essay on how the religious right is using the Bible to attack everything from unions to the minimum wage and the progressive income […]

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Radiation Is ‘Good for You’?

That’s what Ann Coulter says anyway. Of course, this is hardly the only time the far-right culture warrior has tried to promote junk science to a gullible audience. She also peddles creationist arguments against evolution. Anyway, now here she is trying to persuade folks that they shouldn’t be worried about radiation from exploding nuclear power […]

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The Dangers of Intolerance

Fire officials in the Houston suburb of Clear Lake are investigating what caused a fire at a mosque — twice, on consecutive days. As of now we don’t know exactly what or who caused the fires this week at the Clear Lake Education Center where, thankfully, no one was injured. But it’s a sad commentary […]

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GOPers: Revisit the Social Studies Standards

Ever since the Texas State Board of Education became a battle ground in the culture wars, the Texas Freedom Network has tried to emphasize one point: education should not be a partisan issue. That message is now resonating with state lawmakers from both sides of the aisle, with even Republicans expressing their concerns over the […]

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Beck Adds Insult to Tragedy

If you had your money on Glenn Beck being the first big-name, far-right icon to conclude that the tragedy in Japan is God’s punishment for (insert reason here), come on down and claim your prize. […]

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