Did Slavery Cause the Civil War?

Who would even ask such a ridiculous question in the 21st century? Apparently lots of people. From a recent story in the Washington Post entitled “Five myths about why the South seceded”: One hundred fifty years after the Civil War began, we’re still fighting it — or at least fighting over its history. I’ve polled […]

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Was Don McLeroy Right After All?

Uh-oh. Were Don McLeroy and other creationists on the Texas State Board of Education right when they demanded that people “stand up to experts” and declare that evolution is bad science? That global warming is “hooey”? Well, it looks like the folks at Scientific American are throwing in the towel. “There’s no easy way to […]

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Dear Terry: Happy Now?

Reports out of Afghanistan say at least 12 people were killed today when a United Nations building was attacked in Kabul. The attack followed protests against last month’s publicity stunt by Florida Pastor Terry Jones in which the Quran was placed on trial, found guilty, and “executed” by being soaked in kerosene and set on […]

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Clean Up the Law: Protect the Rights of All

A Fort Worth Star-Telegram editorial today says it’s past time for Texas legislators to remove from the law books the state’s sodomy statute, which the U.S. Supreme Court declared unconstitutional in 2003. Two bills, HB 604 by state Rep. Jessica Farrar and HB 2156 by state Rep. Garnet Coleman, would repeal the sodomy statute. They […]

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Give Us ONE Good Reason

Why wouldn’t you want a state entity to operate more efficiently and transparently? That is a question that no one had a good answer for Tuesday evening as the House Committee on Public Education took up HB 862, legislation sponsored by state Rep. Diane Patrick, R-Arlington, that would place the Texas State Board of Education […]

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