Why Historians Don’t Respect Barton

Why does pseudo-historian and bona fide political activist David Barton have such a poor reputation in the academic community? It’s not because of his religious convictions, his politics, or even his lack of formal training — it’s his disregard for the basic standards of accuracy historians enforce upon themselves […]

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Carrying the ‘Birther’ Banner Forward

Just for sheer entertainment value, you almost gotta love fringe characters like Donna Garner. The right-wing, Waco-area gadfly bombards elected officials, journalists and assorted other folks across Texas with numerous, hair-on-fire email screeds on topics ranging from the State Board of Education (SBOE) to national politics. Unfortunately, some SBOE members have actually promoted her nonsense […]

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Just Couldn’t Bring Themselves to Do It?

UPDATE: Austin American-Statesman reporter Jason Embry finds that 10 House Republicans voted against the resolution. *** Why did three Republicans in the Texas House of Representatives on Monday refuse to support a resolution congratulating President Obama, intelligence personnel and members of our armed forces for the successful operation against Osama bin Laden in Pakistan? The […]

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‘Abstinence Works’ Brings Storks

This was Gov. Rick Perry a few months ago: I’m going to tell you from my own personal life, abstinence works! Well, Gov. Perry, no. No, it does not. Not if you’re talking about abstinence-only programs in schools, as the governor was last October in an interview with the Texas Tribune. We wonder how many […]

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