USNS César Chavez

Remember when phony historian and alleged social studies “expert” David Barton advised the Texas State Board of Education to strip out César Chavez from new social studies curriculum standards for public schools? Here’s what the head of the Texas-based group WallBuilders said in 2009: “(Chavez’s) open affiliation with Saul Alinsky’s movements certainly makes dubious that […]

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TX Senate Committee Passes Anti-Bullying Bill

Legislative efforts to protect bullied children in Texas schools just passed the Senate Education Committee. The Texas House passed House Bill 1942 on May 4. The full Senate must now approve the bill to send it on to Gov. Rick Perry for his signature. If HB 1942 becomes law, it would:  Include the definition of […]

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Barton the Backpedaler

A couple of days ago we blogged that “It’s fascinating to watch religious-right extremists turn on each other.” Well, now you can listen to extremists backpedal like nobody’s business because they turned on each other. On his WallBuilders online radio show Monday, the radical right’s favorite (phony) historian David Barton took pains to explain away […]

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Texas SBOE Redistricting Map Now Law

Yesterday Texas Gov. Rick Perry allowed a new redistricting map for the State Board of Education to become law without his signature — and far-right activists are enraged. The Legislature is trying to “destroy the conservatives” on the state board, one right-wing blogger has bizarrely shrieked. Board conservatives are being “targeted for extinction,” right-wing gadfly […]

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David Barton: Expert on Black History?

A Huffington Post article reveals that tax records filed by David Barton’s Texas-based organization, WallBuilders Presentations, suggest that the religious right’s favorite propagandist is an expert in African-American history. From the article: In filings with the Internal Revenue Service, Barton’s nonprofit, Wallbuilder Presentations, Inc., justified its tax-exempt status by highlighting among its “accomplishments” a video […]

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