Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond. […]
Recent Blogs
Setback for Creationists in Texas
Efforts to push creationist instructional materials into Texas science classrooms were dealt a setback today. The Texas education commissioner’s list of science materials recommended for adoption by the State Board of Education, which was released today, doesn’t include the proposed materials from New Mexic0-based International Databases. The Texas Freedom Network and the National Center for […]
Cargill Comment Troubles SBOE Members
It looks like Texas State Board of Education Chairwoman Barbara Cargill, R-The Woodlands, has some serious fence-mending to do after implicitly questioning the faith of some of her board colleagues last week. After telling Texas Eagle Forum activists that she was one of only “six true conservative Christians on the board,” Cargill heard from a […]
What Would the Founders Do?
What would the Founders say about the governor of Texas partnering with a hate group to hold an all-day prayer and fasting rally? Our friends at the Anti-Defamation League would like to help you answer that question. The ADL, in partnership with the Texas Freedom Network, Americans United for Separation of Church and State and […]
Perry Event Backer Hates Statue of Liberty
TFN Insider readers already know about some of the haters and other extremists (as well as here and here) Texas Gov. Rick Perry is partnering with on his prayer extravaganza in Houston next month. Today we have another name for the growing list: Dr. John Benefiel of the Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network in Oklahoma City. […]