The war on women and women’s health services has reached new heights over the past year. The Texas Legislature has limited or even ended basic health care services, including contraceptive services, for hundreds of thousands of women. The same lawmakers passed a bill forcing women who seek an abortion to undergo an invasive sonogram with […]
Recent Blogs
Texas Education Board Incumbent’s Campaign Video Focuses on the Culture Wars
Nearly all of the candidates for Districts 4, 6, 7 and 8 on the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) have accepted offers to post videos touting their qualifications and campaigns on Houston television station KHOU’s website. Most of the Southeast Texas candidates focused their appeals on education, such as issues involving the quality of […]
Texas State Board of Education Candidate Forums Tonight and Thursday
KPFT Pacifica Radio in Houston (90.1 FM) is dealing with some technical issues, but tonight’s State Board of Education (SBOE) forum is still set for 6 p.m. If you can’t get the station over the air, you can listen online at or through the KPFT Apple iPhone app. Tonight’s forum features candidates for the […]
Right-wing Group Trying to Drag Churches into Partisan Politics
The Alliance Defense Fund is rallying far-right pastors around an effort to overturn a more than 60-year-old federal law that limits houses of worship and other tax-exempt nonprofits from participating in partisan election campaigns. ADF and pastors like Steve Riggle of Houston and Jim Garlow of San Diego are calling on clergy to protest the […]
TFN’s Kathy Miller Talks about New Documentary on the Texas SBOE
Austin’s KVUE-TV has a story this evening about “The Revisionaries,” the new documentary focusing on the Texas State Board of Education that premiered this weekend at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York. Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller talked to KVUE about how the state board has put politics and personal agendas ahead of […]