UPDATE: Runoff Election os Saturday, June 22 from 7 AM – 7 PM. Early Voting Monday 6/10 – Saturday 6/15: 9 AM – 7 PM Monday 6/17 – Tuesday 6/18: 9 AM – 7 PM ** No early voting Sunday 6/16 Voting locations and times: English | Español During early vote, you can vote at […]
Recent Blogs
Senate Bill 9 Is An Attempt to Intimidate Voters, Keep Turnout Low in Texas
The Texas Senate gave preliminary approval today to SB9, a voter suppression bill designed to keep turnout low in Texas. We just sent out the following press release. […]
Setting the Record Straight on Chairman Leach’s Anti-abortion Extremism
State Rep. Jeff Leach has brought up one inflammatory anti-abortion bill after another as chair of the Texas House Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence Committee this session. This past week’s hearing drew testimony from hundreds anti-abortion extremists, many celebrating the possibility of executing a woman who ends her pregnancy early for any reason. Enough is enough. Today we joined with partner organizations […]
Texas Rising Leaders Call on Lawmakers to Protect Voting Rights, Remove Obstacles to Casting a Ballot
Texas Rising leaders and activists rallied today at the Capitol and put lawmakers on notice that a new generation is becoming an electoral force in this state — and they’re not going to put up with efforts to make it harder for them to vote. Check out the press release: […]
Take Action: Support Employment Protections for LGBT Texans
While Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and some of his Senate cronies seem hellbent on passing anti-LGBT discrimination laws, House members have a chance to take a different direction this week. On Tuesday the House Business and Industry Committee will consider HB850 , which updates the state’s employment nondiscrimination laws to include protections for LGBT Texans. […]