It’s Barton By A Nose

The results from last week’s History News Network poll are in and it’s David Barton winning by a nose. HNN this morning published the final results of an online poll that asked readers to vote for what they felt was the least credible history book currently in print. By nine votes, Barton’s “The Jefferson Lies” […]

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Texas Education Board Candidate Gail Spurlock Homeschooled Her Kids

Donna “Jeffrey Dahmer Believed in Evolution” Garner’s fiery email exchange with Texas State Board of Education member George Clayton this week included a particularly interesting tidbit you might have missed. Garner suggested a variety of reasons for supporting Gail “Pilgrims Were Commies” Spurlock as Clayton’s replacement on the board. Among them, she said, is that […]

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Saying No to Private School Vouchers

It doesn’t look like many Louisiana families are anxious to join their state’s elected leaders in abandoning public schools. It appears that the state’s radical new private school voucher scheme has attracted just 10,000 applications out of 450,000 students. Moreover, about 1,000 of those applicants already participate in an existing voucher program limited to New […]

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