Much of the attention tonight will focus on the Dewhurst v. Cruz senate race. But there are three Texas State Board of Education races on runoff ballots across the state as we wrap up the primaries and look toward November. Keep an eye on this post later tonight for updates on the SBOE races. Here’s […]
Recent Blogs
SBOE Candidate Spurlock to Women: Education Sucks and It’s All Your Fault (video)
District 12 Texas State Board of Education candidate Gail Spurlock is building a reputation for extremism that might well win her fans (and votes) among far-right conservatives. But to a large swath of mainstream Texans, her latest comments are downright insulting. Spurlock, who has gone on record with her belief that the Pilgrims were communists […]
The Week in Quotes (July 22 – 28)
Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond. […]
‘Failure’ Is a Relative Term for Louisiana’s Private School Voucher Scheme
Vouchers drain tax dollars from neighborhood public schools to pay for tuition at private and religious schools that are unaccountable to taxpayers and not held to the same standards as public schools. State rules just issued for Louisiana’s radical new voucher scheme are a case in point — especially when it comes to defining and […]
Debbie Riddle Has An Idea
Social conservatives have long pointed to the constitutional bar on government-sponsored prayer in public schools as the source of many of society’s ills. Just last week, when a gunman opened fire in a crowded movie theater, some trotted out the “If only we had prayer in schools” argument as a solution for preventing such tragedies. […]