Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond. […]
Recent Blogs
David Barton Still Backs Todd ‘Legitimate Rape’ Akin in Missouri Senate Race
So how extreme is David Barton? Here’s the religious right’s favorite phony historian (dark coat, red shirt) standing this week in support of Republican Senate nominee Todd Akin of Missouri, more than a month after Akin made his outrageous statement suggesting that only some rapes are legitimate. Barton, who heads the Texas-based organization WallBuilders, joined […]
Texas Pastor Council Hails Prominent Anti-Catholic Fundamentalist as ‘Great Pastor’
The right-wing Texas Pastor Council is pushing hard to get conservative Christians to the polls in November. But perhaps the group should consider choosing a messenger who doesn’t offend a lot of those very Christians. An email Wednesday from the group to supporters includes an appeal for Tim LaHaye, a prominent fundamentalist preacher and coauthor […]
So Registering Young People to Vote Is a Bad Thing Now?
From the department of NWHIA: Now We’ve Heard It All Republicans on the Dallas County Commissioners Court are criticizing county election officials for helping the League of Women Voters and other nonpartisan organizations register eligible high school students to vote yesterday. From the Dallas Morning News: The county elections department put the League of Women […]
Austin Interfaith Group Hosts Event on Thursday: ‘Religion and State: Drawing the Line’
The following guest post is by Tom Spencer, CEO of Interfaith Action of Central Texas (iACT). “Satan runs across the world with his doubts and with his untruths and what have you, and one of the untruths out there that is driven is that people of faith should not be involved in the public arena.” […]