Poll: Florida Voters Not a Fan of Measure That Would Destroy Church-State Separation

Florida voters don’t seem to be buying into a proposed constitutional amendments that would fling open the door to public funding for religious institutions. The defeat of that amendment, which is on the November ballot, could discourage efforts to pass similar measures in other states, including Texas. A Suffolk University/7NEWS(WSVN-Miami) poll found that just 28 […]

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Contraception Turns Heterosexual Men Gay!

That bizarre claim comes in a strange web video making the rounds. The video, You Deserve to Know the Truth about Contraception, apparently produced by a group of Roman Catholic nuns called the Children of Mary order, argues that women who take “chemical” contraception no longer produce hormones that attract men. So heterosexual men eventually […]

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David Barton on America During the Civil War: Things Were Just Swell!

Pseudo-historian David Barton now wants to persuade Americans that things were pretty good in the United States during the Civil War — arguable our nation’s most traumatic, divisive and certainly bloodiest war. From our friends at Right Wing Watch: When David Barton appeared on Glenn Beck’s program to discuss the important of prayer and fasting, […]

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