In the World of Cathie Adams, Union Workers Getting Out the Vote Are ‘Thugs’

Cathie Adams, head of the far-right Texas Eagle Forum, is in Ohio with other conservative evangelical activists to help get Republican voters to the polls in Tuesday’s presidential election. But in her parallel universe, in which democracy apparently is a one-way street, activists working to get out the vote among Democrats are little more than […]

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Detestable David Barton Suggests President Obama Was Complicit in the Murder of U.S. Ambassador to Libya

How low can David Barton go? Lower than any responsible American could have imagined, apparently. On his WallBuilders Live radio/Internet program today, Barton suggested that President Obama allowed last month’s attack on the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya, to happen so that it would be easier to pass an international “anti-blasphemy” ban protecting Islam from […]

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‘The Revisionaries’ Held Over in Austin

“The Revisionaries,” the award-winning documentary about the textbook wars at the Texas State Board of Education, is getting another week-long run at Austin’s Violet Crown Cinema. If you didn’t get a chance to catch this must-see film last week, make the time to go between now and November 8. “The Revisionaries” is an unprecedented behind-the-scenes […]

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