David Barton, the right-wing propagandist and phony historian from Texas, is repeating the same lie (told by him and others many times already) about President Obama supposedly ignoring God at Thanksgiving. Here is a Twitter post from Barton today: “4th Straight Year: Obama Thanksgiving Resolution Doesn’t Thank God” Barton, a former vice chairman of the […]
Recent Blogs
Happy Thanksgiving!
The board, staff and student leaders of the Texas Freedom Network extend our profound gratitude for your unwavering support. From all of us to you and yours, Happy Thanksgiving! Click here to send this photo as an eCard to someone you think would support the mission of the Texas Freedom Network. […]
Michael Quinn Sullivan Jumps on the ‘Pilgrims Were Commies!’ Bandwagon
Michael Quinn Sullivan, head of the anti-government group Empower Texans/Texans for Fiscal Responsibility, has something in common with failed State Board of Education candidate Gail Spurlock: they both see American history through the cracked lens of ideology. During her campaign for the state board this year, Spurlock claimed that the Pilgrims nearly did themselves in […]
GOP Ready to Support Science Again? Looking Doubtful
Florida Senator Marco Rubio, touted by some as the great Republican hope in the 2016 presidential election, thinks whether students learn sound science is irrelevant to the economy. Asked in an interview for GQ magazine how old he thinks Earth is, Rubio decided not to anger evolution deniers on the religious right: “I’m not a […]
The Week in Quotes (Nov. 11 – 17)
Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond. […]