Texas Right-wing Conspiracy Theorist Alex Jones Goes into Full Meltdown on CNN

Need more evidence that Texas has become a prime breeding ground for the whack-a-doodle rightist fringe? Exhibit 492 (but who’s counting?): Austin-based radio commentator and right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, exploding in mouth-foaming rage on Piers Morgan’s CNN program Monday. Jones talked about his support for a petition to deport Morgan, who has enraged pro-gun […]

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Texas Sen. Cornyn’s Crocodile Tears

The debate over federal budgeting and debt doesn’t fall within the mission of the Texas Freedom Network, but we admit to being a bit puzzled when we read Texas Sen. John Cornyn’s Houston Chronicle op-ed column about the urgent need to rein in government spending. From his column (emphasis added): If we don’t reduce spending […]

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David Barton: 'Hate Is a Virtue'

It appears that David Barton is continuing his trek through the gutters of hate into 2013. On his New Year’s Day radio program, the Texas right-winger compared liberals to Nazis and preached that “intolerance” and “hatred” of both are good things. From our friends at Right Wing Watch: “So we’ve got to get to the […]

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2012 in Quotes: Potluck Nuttery II

Our review of what we heard from the far right in 2012 ends with a last bit of potluck nuttery. You can read more quotes from 2012 and previous years here. Stay tuned — we expect to hear much more like this in 2013. Happy New Year! “It’s horrifying some of the things that they’re […]

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Are You a ‘Snarling Hound’?

Liberty Institute, a religious-right group based in Plano near Dallas, is still screeching about the mythical “war on Christmas.” Here’s an excerpt from a fundraising email the group sent out on Friday: I hope your Christmas was merry & joyful, because the hounds are snarling again. … The sad truth is that while you and […]

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