Louie ‘Terror Babies’ Gohmert: Nukes as Border Control?

East Texas Congressman Louie “Terror Babies” Gohmert doesn’t like President Obama’s pledge to scale back the U.S. nuclear arsenal (along with the the arsenals of other nuclear powers). He tweets: Is now really the time to reduce America’s nuclear strength, when we can’t even secure our borders? http://fxn.ws/145pFHz What is he suggesting? That we nuke […]

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Is 'Historian' David Barton Trying to Cover Up His Historical Errors?

Blogger and psychology professor Warren Throckmorton has a new piece up exposing how David Barton, the pseudo-historian who founded the religious-right organization WallBuilders in Texas, is trying to cover up errors in his historical work. Barton’s apparent strategy: revise his claims but don’t tell anyone about those corrections. Throckmorton points out how a Barton tour […]

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Brilliant Takedown of Right-Wingers Who Claim Gay People Are Victimizing Them

Monday night the brilliant writers at The Daily Show offered a classic takedown of right-wing evangelicals who claim gay and lesbian activists bully and even beat up Christians and straight people. “The Christians that I talked to are intimidated,” Idaho pastor and radio host  Matt Slick tells Samantha Bee of The Daily Show. “They’ll often […]

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Texas Congressman Points to Masturbating Fetuses to Justify Proposed Abortion Ban

As the nation focuses on concerns like jobs and health care, congressional Republicans have turned their attention to a favorite cause of right-wing culture warriors: banning abortion. So on Monday, Texas Congressman Michael Burgess, R-Lewisville, offered his reasons for why the U.S. House of Representatives should pass a new anti-abortion bill that bars women from […]

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Want to Know Why Texas Is STILL Arguing about Evolution?

Many have been mystified that, even in the 21st century, Texas remains embroiled in a heated debate over evolution. In 2008 and 2009, for example, creationists on and off the State Board of Education insisted that new science curriculum standards for Texas public schools include requirements that would open classroom doors to anti-evolution junk science. […]

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