Breaking News: Official State Reviewer Confirms Concerns over Science Textbook Adoption in Texas

A University of Texas scientist is expressing serious concerns about the qualifications of fellow reviewers examining new biology textbooks proposed for public high schools in the Lone Star State. A letter he sent to State Board of Education members this week also highlights concerns that SBOE Chairwoman Barbara Cargill, R-The Woodlands, might have inappropriately tried […]

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Creationists Launch Their Assault on Science Education in Texas: Reviewers Push Publishers to Insert 'Creation Science,' Other Junk Science in New Biology Textbooks

Now the veil is dropped. We already knew that creationists on the State Board of Education had nominated anti-evolution ideologues to sit on teams reviewing proposed new high school biology textbooks in Texas. We now have seen the actual reviews from those ideologues — and they’re every bit as alarming as we warned they would […]

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Anti-CSCOPE Activists Take Law into Their Own Hands, Screw Over Taxpayers

UPDATE: A spokesperson for the state’s Education Service Centers confirmed late Friday afternoon that tests anti-CSCOPE activists irresponsibly posted on the Internet will have to be rewritten. Depending on how many assessments must be replaced, the total cost to taxpayers could be up to $1 million. *** Tea party and other right-wing activists have screamed […]

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Equality Defeats Fear and Hate: San Antonio Passes Nondiscrimination Ordinance

This afternoon a strong majority on the San Antonio City Council voted to add protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) persons as well as military veterans to the city’s policies barring discrimination in employment for public workers and city contractors. The policy also provides protections in housing and public accommodations. The new ordinance expands […]

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