“The dietician actually has a degree in food science technology, and they have to take all kinds of science courses, I know, at colleges. And then the person you’re referring to is the retired businessman specializing in finance was the gentleman with the doctorate from Princeton in chemical engineering, so he’s certainly qualified. I’m looking […]
Recent Blogs
Republican Texas Attorney General Candidate Defends White Supremacist Group
We suspect Barry Smitherman might find that headline a bit unfair. But maybe the chairman of the Texas Railroad Commission should spend a little time researching the organizations he almost reflexively chooses to defend. The Texas Observer is reporting that Smitherman, who is seeking the Republican nomination next year to replace Greg Abbott as Texas […]
TFN Spokesman Talks about Texas Science Textbook Battle on MSNBC
Ryan Valentine, Texas Freedom Network’s deputy director, spoke on MSNBC today about our work defending science in this year’s textbook adoption at the State Board of Education. Check it out and see how Ryan puts to lie claims by anti-evolution activists that they just want students to be able to “ask questions”: Visit NBCNews.com for […]
An update on Bill Nye and EPIC Evening
Even in the fight to stand up for science, we’re reminded sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow, but you always go with the beat. As Gov. Ann Richards said about Ginger Rogers, she did everything Fred Astaire did, but she did it backwards and in high heels. So in that spirit, we’re asking you to […]
Anti-Evolution Group Pitches a Hissy Fit When a Newspaper Reports the Truth
The Texas Freedom Network’s defense of sound science education was featured this weekend in a New York Times piece about the State Board of Education’s adoption of new biology textbooks — and, no surprise, anti-science pressure groups are hopping mad about it. Check out this rant from the Discovery Institute, the Seattle-based organization that promotes the […]