Last week we reported that publishers are resisting pressure to dumb down instruction on evolution in the new science textbooks they are proposing for Texas public schools. And we asked you to send publishers an email thanking them for standing up for science despite the efforts of anti-evolution activists on and off the State Board […]
Recent Blogs
Clear Sign of Election Around the Corner: Houston Religious-Right Group Trots Out Anti-Gay Hysteria
The Houston Area Pastor Council — one version of essentially the same group (along with the Texas Pastor Council and U.S. Pastor Council) headed by Houston hate-meister Dave Welch — is rallying his troops again as an election day nears. But it’s fair to ask whether the nakedly anti-gay hysteria Welch promotes is fading as an […]
The Week in Quotes (Oct. 13 – 19)
Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond. […]
Important News: Publishers Are Resisting Pressure to Dumb Down Their Biology Textbooks for Texas
We have now had our first look at changes publishers have submitted in response to objections — many of them attacks on evolution and climate change science — raised by official state review teams evaluating new science textbooks for Texas. And we have very encouraging news: All 14 publishers are refusing to water down or compromise instruction […]
Texas Politicians Can't Resist Pandering to Extremists
It seems that Texas is filled with politicians competing with each other for the votes of right-wing extremists. The latest example of this came on Monday at a tea party meeting in the Fort Worth suburb of Bedford. As the Texas Observer reports, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst and his re-election opponents in next year’s Republican […]