David Being David

See, if David Barton had just acknowledged that climate change is actually a thing, and that humans are a major contributing factor, we could have possibly, for once, agreed on something. But noooooooo, David Barton just had to be David Barton, and he kept going. The policy he’s referring to in the following quote is […]

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Google+ Hangout: What's Happening with the Texas Science Textbook Adoption

Watch and listen in as the Texas Freedom Network’s Kathy Miller, the National Center for Science Education’s Josh Rosenau, and University of Texas Professor Arturo De Lozanne talk about the battle to defend evolution and climate change science in proposed science textbooks for Texas schools. The State Board of Education is scheduled to vote November […]

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Group Attacks Judicial Nominee as 'Radical' and 'Extreme' for Opposing Abstinence-Only Programs That Lie to Students and Promote Dangerous Stereotypes

Concerned Women for America (CWA), a national religious-right group with an active Texas chapter, is accusing a federal judicial nominee of being a “radical” in part because of what she has written about abstinence-only sex education programs that promote gender stereotypes. In an email to activists today, CWA President Penny Nance writes that the U.S. […]

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Ted Cruz Wants to Teach about the History of Conservatism

It seems that the far right these days is increasingly populated by political propagandists (like David Barton) and unhinged talk show hosts (like Glenn Beck) who fancy themselves as historians and political scientists. Add to that list U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, who is joining with right-wing talk show host Mark Levin to teach […]

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