2013 in Quotes: The Mythical 'War on Christmas' and Related Silliness

The right’s campaign to end the mythical “war on Christmas” started early this year when the Texas Legislature passed an unnecessary bill telling students and teachers that they could do something the First Amendment already allowed — wish others Merry Christmas. The war on “Happy Holidays” went downhill from there. Click here to read other summaries […]

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2013 in Quotes: Anti-Muslim Hysteria

Right-wing politicians and activists continued in 2013 to stoke the flames of fear and hate, in some cases smearing all Muslims as radicals and suggesting they’re all a threat to America. Click here to read other summaries of the outrageous things we heard from the right in 2013. We know Al Qaeda has camps over with […]

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2013 in Quotes: The War on Science

With 2013 winding down, it’s  time for our annual review of what we heard from the far right over the past year. We’ll roll those out over the next week or so. Today we review some of the most outrageous things we heard as the right’s war on science and science education rambled on, especially […]

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Texas Sen. Dan Patrick Thinks God Speaks Through Duck Dynasty Star

Texas state Sen. Dan Patrick, one of three Republicans trying to unseat David Dewhurst as lieutenant governor next year, thinks he knows what God wants people to hear. Lone Star Q reports that Patrick was a guest Thursday on The Chad Hasty Show, a radio program on KFYO in Lubbock. Patrick weighed in on recent controversial comments […]

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More on That Texas Biology Textbook Review Panel

Josh Rosenau, programs and policy director at the National Center for Science Education, wondered how the creationist chairwoman of the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) came to appoint a real scientist and evolution defender to a key textbook review panel. As we reported on Tuesday, that panel unanimously rejected creationist claims that a leading high […]

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