Stand with Texas Women, Wear Orange, Again

We just sent out this message on behalf of Kathy to our friends and supporters. If you’re in the Austin area next Thursday, we encourage you to join us. They promised to hear us on women’s health. Let’s make sure they do. Next Thursday, Feb. 20, state Sen. Jane Nelson will convene the committee she […]

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'Intelligent Design' Advocates Acknowledge the Truth: It Really Is About Religion

Have they finally stopped pretending otherwise? Leaders in the “intelligent design”/creationism movement are promoting a Texas conference next month that explicitly ties “intelligent design” to “essential Christian doctrines.” Supporters of “intelligent design” — or ID, the deceptive, pseudo-scientific “alternative” to evolutionary science — have long insisted that they aren’t promoting a religious concept like straight-up creationism. […]

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Pay to Play: One Way to Get a Religious-Right Group's Endorsement?

Conservative Republicans for Texas, a political action committee run by a longtime religious-right activist in Houston, has released its list of endorsements for the March 4 Republican primary in Texas.  A mailer sent to Texas voters age 65 and older lists the group’s endorsements. Most of the names aren’t a surprise — especially when you […]

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