National Day of Prayer — or Politics?

Nine years ago the Texas Freedom Network Education Fund released a report showing how religious-right groups had hijacked the National Day of Prayer. The National Day of Prayer: Turning a Day of Faith into a Rally for the Christian Right examined how organizations like the National Day of Prayer Task Force and Focus on the Family as […]

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Now Barton Suggests Allowing Women to Vote Is Bad for Families

Just when you think David Barton‘s ideas can’t get any more archaic and offensive, he can surprise you. Today the religious right’s favorite phony historian and the head of Texas-based WallBuilders told listeners on his radio program that our nation’s founders didn’t allow women to vote because limiting the vote just to men protected the family. In […]

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Houston City Council Requests an Encore: Speak in Support of the Equal Rights Ordinance

Yesterday the Houston City Council’s Quality of Life Committee heard the first public comments on the mayor’s proposed Equal Rights Ordinance, which bars discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations. Guess what happened? Supporters outnumbered opponents more than two-to-one, with an especially strong showing in support from Houston’s religious community. That’s what we call a […]

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RR Extremists Launch Vicious Assault on Equality in Houston

As our society slowly moves toward treating LGBT people with the dignity and equality all human beings deserve, the reaction of religious-right groups has been almost unhinged. Their leaders have adopted increasingly vitriolic and hateful rhetoric in their desperate attempts to defend discrimination. That fact has been on clear display as the Houston City Council’s Committee on Quality of Life […]

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Why Does the Right Have Such a Problem with History?

What is it with right-wingers who seem to have so much trouble with American history? See this tweet today from Peggy Venable, Texas policy director for the Koch-funded, anti-government Americans for Prosperity: “Peace is that brief glorious moment in history, when everybody stands around reloading” — Thomas Jefferson Except that there’s no evidence Jefferson ever said that. The Monticello […]

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