Eric Mahroum — who supports displaying the Ten Commandments in public schools and opposes teaching about birth control in sex education classes — went down in flames in Tuesday’s Republican runoff for the District 11 seat on the Texas State Board of Education. Longtime incumbent Pat Hardy easily defeated Mahroum 59%-41% in the Republican runoff for […]
Recent Blogs
Texas Ed Board Candidate Who Fathered Child at 16: Supports Ten Commandments, Opposes Sex Ed in Schools
A Republican candidate for the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) who fathered a child at age 16 says public schools should be allowed to display the Ten Commandments but shouldn’t teach about birth control in sex education classes. Eric Mahroum, 31, is challenging incumbent Pat Hardy in Tuesday’s Republican runoff for the District 11 seat on the […]
The Week in Quotes (May 18 – 24)
Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond. […]
RR Leader: Religious Freedom Applies Only to Anti-Gay Christians
Religious-righters claim that barring discrimination against LGBT people violates their religious freedom to, well, discriminate against people they don’t like. Now Tony Perkins, head of the national organization Family Research Council (FRC), is arguing that Christians who support LGBT equality don’t deserve religious freedom themselves. The Southern Poverty Law Center has designated Perkins’ FRC as an anti-gay hate group. Speaking on the […]
Absurd: Creation Museum Says New Dinosaur Skeleton Proves Bible History Is Literally True
The Creation Museum in Kentucky is unveiling a new exhibit: an Allosaurus skeleton that it says proves that the biblical story of creation is true. From Talking Points Memo: “While evolutionists use dinosaurs more than anything to promote their worldview, especially to young students, our museum uses dinosaurs to help tell the account of history according to […]