Texas GOP Chairman Rejects His Own Party's Support for Gay 'Cure' Therapy

Just two weeks after the Texas Republican Party adopted its 2014 platform, the state party’s own chairman is trashing that platform’s support for so-called “reparative therapy” to “cure” gay people by turning them straight. Texas Public Radio quotes Texas GOP Chairman Steve Munisteri about the controversial anti-gay plank in the platform: “I just make the point for […]

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It's Time to #FightBackTX

It’s hard to believe it’s been a year since thousands of orange-clad Texans made the walls of the Capitol rumble with our protests against politicians forcing their ideological agendas on the women of Texas. History has now proven that, despite what those politicians said, their efforts sought to do only one thing: close abortion clinics. […]

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Rick Perry Hopes Folks Will Forget His Gay-Bashing History

Defending his offensive remarks comparing gay people to alcoholics, Gov. Rick Perry on Monday dug himself an even deeper hole. He even tried to dismiss his rancid history of pandering to religious-righters by bashing the LGBT community. CNBC’s “Squawk Box” host Joe Kernan told Perry how offensive his most recent remarks were: “I have a really high bar for what […]

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