2015 Texas Lege: Contender for Most Ridiculous Bill of the Session

A Texas legislator who opposes same-sex marriage has a message for federal courts and gay people: “Screw you.” The U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals is set to consider on Friday a case that could overturn the ban on same-sex marriage in Texas. But state Rep. Cecil Bell, R-Magnolia, wants Texas to ignore a ruling that the ban violates the U.S. Constitution. […]

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Texas Voucher Scam Would Shift Hundreds of Millions in Tax Dollars from Public to Private Schools

On Wednesday anti-public education politicians rallied behind a proposed new voucher scheme to transfer hundreds of millions of dollars each year from neighborhood public schools to private and religious schools in Texas. Those funding transfers would come on top of billions in funding cuts to public schools passed by the Legislature in 2011 — cuts lawmakers still haven’t fully restored. […]

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TFN, Partner Orgs Unite in Fight Against Extreme Anti-Abortion Law in Texas

The Texas Freedom Network has joined with six other organizations in issuing a joint press release about today’s U.S. Fifth Circuit Court hearing on House Bill 2, the extreme anti-abortion law passed in 2013 by the Texas Legislature. AT FIFTH CIRCUIT HEARING, GROUPS UNITE IN FIGHT AGAINST HB 2 Appeals Court to Consider Challenge to Extreme Anti-Abortion Law […]

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Phony Outrage over Alleged Religious Persecution

Here’s another item for the “we’re not surprised”  category: a Texas religious-right group is deceitfully portraying a U.S. Army chaplain as a victim of religious persecution. Liberty Institute, a litigation group based in Plano north of Dallas, is representing Capt. Joseph Lawhorn, an Army chaplain who ran into trouble for essentially evangelizing at a mandatory training on suicide prevention […]

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2014 In Quotes: Potluck Nuttery II

On the first day of 2015, let’s check one last round of nonsense we heard from the right in 2014. Click here to read more quotes from the right in 2014. “We are not going to do anything to distance ourselves from Ted Nugent. If we had concerns about some of the things that Mr. Nugent has […]

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