While We Wait …

On Facebook Sunday afternoon, state Rep. Molly White, R-Belton, wrote that some time today she would publish a “response to the controversy that occurred” when she offered comments about Muslims in an earlier Facebook post. While we wait for her to do that, here’s Rep. White struggling to explain her comments in an interview with […]

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Their Opinion of Women Appears to Be as Backward as Their Views of Gay People

What a hateful crew they seem to have over at the right-wing Texas organization/blog AgendaWise Reports. We already knew what they think about gay people. Now we see that their views about women are just as backward and offensive. Two years ago, Daniel Greer had to step down (temporarily) from his post at AgendaWise after various media outlets reported about […]

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Texas Rising: Rise with us.

Texas Rising is a movement to inspire and engage a rising generation of young Texans in electoral politics, public policy advocacy and community organizing. We are leveraging the power of thousands of young, diverse, community-focused activists to hold our elected officials accountable to all Texans, not special interests and the voices of intolerance and division. […]

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Texas Muslim Capitol Day and State Rep. Molly White

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal along with analyst Steve Emerson and others at Fox News have been almost universally shamed and criticized for making unfounded claims of “Muslim no-go zones” spreading throughout Europe, places which, according to the two men, are off-limits to non-Muslims. Turns out Jindal and Emerson were looking in the wrong place. Muslim […]

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