Love Has No Labels

Religious extremists discriminate against — and even murder — people of other faiths (or no religion at all). Politicians insist that the rights of some families are worth more than the rights of others. Bigots continue to divide us by race, ethnicity and gender. In so many ways, we are taught to fear and stigmatize those who are different […]

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Reproductive health care

Trust. Respect. Access. The Texas Freedom Network is working with a coalition of local progressive organizations on a long term campaign to promote policies that restore trust in Texans to make their own reproductive health care decisions, respect for health care professionals’ judgment about patient care and access to the full range of reproductive health […]

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David Barton Says God Doesn’t Want Vaccine for AIDS

So whose hatred is more venomous — the “God Hates Fags” crowd from Fred Phelps’ extremist congregation or David Barton, the Texas-based religious-right propagandist who thinks God is punishing gay people with AIDS? Tough call. Speaking recently at Charis Bible College in Colorado, Barton told his audience that there will never be a vaccine for AIDS pretty much because […]

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Tony Tinderholt’s Defense of Marriage(s)

On Wednesday, state Rep. Tony Tinderholt, R-Arlington, filed a complaint with the State Commission on Judicial Conduct against state District Judge David Wahlberg. The alleged wrongdoing? That Wahlberg issued the order that allowed Suzanne Bryant and Sarah Goodfriend to obtain a marriage license, making them the first same-sex couple to legally marry in Texas. Quorum […]

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