Faith Leaders Explain Why They Support Equality and Prop 1 in Houston

Today Houston Unites launched its first TV ad of the campaign in support of the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO). In the ad, Pastors Rudy and Juanita Rasmus, with Rev. Brandon Peete and his family, make clear what HERO is all about: treating everyone fairly and equally under the law. Take a stand for equality. Vote “YES” […]

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Keeping Texas Teens Ignorant about Sex Ed

With all of the damage culture warriors on the State Board of Education have done — or tried to do — to the education of Texas public school students in their science and history classrooms, it can be easy to forget what they’ve also done on sex education. Today the online news magazine Slate posted the above video, which examines how two […]

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Travis County GOP Promotes Anti-Muslim Screed That Also Calls George W. Bush a ‘Coward and Traitor’

The Travis County Republican Party here in Austin dived into the deep end of the crazy pool Monday evening: The tweet (which was removed late this morning) links to a blog post on the Conservative Daily News website. The hate-filled screed starts this way: “Christianity is a religion but Islam is merely a satanic cult of rape, torture, murder, bestiality, and satan worship!!!!!” […]

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Presidential Candidates and Religious Tests

Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson said this past weekend that he would oppose the election of a Muslim as American president because Islam (he believes) is in conflict with the the Constitution. But today we read that while Carson has a personal religious test for candidates seeking the presidency, he failed a similar religious test earlier this year. Talking Points Memo […]

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