Demonizing and promoting discrimination against LGBT people is one of the overriding obsessions of the right in America today. That was even more true this year, when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Constitution protects the right of same-sex couples to marry and local and state governments debated whether to protect LGBT people from […]
Recent Blogs
2015 in Quotes: The War on Women
The only issue that matches the far right’s obsession with gay sex is abortion. Let’s take a look at what we heard from the right this year about women and reproductive health care. The right’s contempt for women (including from other women!) was evident in other areas as well. (Click here for previous posts on what we heard […]
2015 in Quotes: Education
Education continues to be a major battleground in the religious right’s culture wars. If they’re not trying to destroy public education, religious righters are trying to use it instead to indoctrinate students in right-wing ideology. Here’s some of what we heard from the right on this issue in 2015. (Click here for previous posts on what we heard […]
2015 in Quotes: The Real War on Religious Freedom
Religious-right activists have been chipping away at the wall separating church and state for decades. Now we hear elected officials who are just as shameful in their attacks on this fundamental protection for religious freedom in America. Indeed, their own words reveal a depth of support for religious freedom that’s almost paper thin. Here’s what we heard from […]
2015 in Quotes: Anti-Islam Hysteria
The anti-Muslim hysteria on the right got especially venomous this year in large part because some politicians appear to believe they have more to gain by demonizing and attacking Muslims than in standing up for the fundamental American and constitutional principle of religious freedom. And, of course, right-wingers almost couldn’t help themselves in linking their hatred of Muslims […]