The Debate Over Darwin Refuses to Evolve in Texas

We’ve had too many battles, and probably more to come, over the teaching of evolution in public school classrooms here in Texas. And while we’re glad to say that TFN and its partners have had quite a bit of success standing up for science in recent years, we’re also sorry to say that we keep […]

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So Is Ted Cruz Running for President or Priest?

Here is Heidi Cruz on Wednesday, putting husband Ted Cruz’s race for president in, well, godly terms: “When I thought about doing it for our country, it became very clear to me that our family must be in this race. We are at a cultural crossroads in our country, and if we can be in this […]

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It’s Past Time to End the Silence about Your Offensive ‘Blood Brother,’ Gov. Abbott

Ted Nugent, the aging right-wing rocker who prominently campaigned with Greg Abbott and calls the Texas governor a “blood brother,” is getting a heap of criticism for a vicious Facebook post on Monday. Nugent’s post, which includes an image apparently used on anti-Semitic websites, calls prominent Jewish Americans “punks” and claims that they “hate freedom” because they support gun safety laws. Nugent’s post includes […]

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