Carrying the ‘Birther’ Banner Forward

Just for sheer entertainment value, you almost gotta love fringe characters like Donna Garner. The right-wing, Waco-area gadfly bombards elected officials, journalists and assorted other folks across Texas with numerous, hair-on-fire email screeds on topics ranging from the State Board of Education (SBOE) to national politics. Unfortunately, some SBOE members have actually promoted her nonsense — in fact, she worked with far-right board members who hijacked the language arts curriculum standards revision process for Texas public schools just three years ago.

Now, we wouldn’t be so uncharitable as to call Garner a kook. Perish the thought. But her conspiracy-themed, Glenn Beck-like emails often are pretty darn kooky. Two years ago, for example, she wanted SBOE members to promote creationist arguments in new science curriculum standards because serial killer “Jeffrey Dahmer believed in evolution.” (She partly got her wish.) She also seems to play fast and loose with the truth, as demonstrated in a damning PolitiFact Texas piece last December.

Anyway, in another bizarre email this week, Garner insists that President Obama is lying to Americans about being born in the United States. Her email went out just days after the president did what “birthers” like Garner have been screaming for him to do for more than two years: release the “long form” certificate of his birth. The document shows that Obama was, indeed, born in Hawaii. But Garner claims that forensic experts have exposed the president’s birth certificate as a poorly crafted forgery:

“In the coming days, I feel sure there will be more to this forgery story. So far as I am concerned, it looks mighty fishy when Obama has spent millions of dollars to scrub out his past and you and I as common, everyday Americans have to provide more information to an insurance company to get a policy than Obama has had to provide to become the President of the most powerful country in the world.”

She goes on to call Obama “our ‘Manchurian President'” and says he “has sealed” his school and university records, medical records, “any baptism records,” “his adoption records,” and … well, you get the point.

For the record, new polls appear to show that the percentage of Americans who believe President Obama was born in a foreign country has plummeted — so Garner finds herself in increasingly rare company.

If the folks at Fox News are looking for a replacement for Glenn Beck in their entertainment lineup, maybe they should contact Garner. At the very least, she could easily work off the same kooky scripts.

Here is Garner’s full May 2 email:

“Obama and Osama”

by Donna Garner


Justice has been served. Osama Bin Laden is dead. We can all be thankful that this evil man is gone from this earth.

Newly released this morning is that the whole operation was made possible by the intel that was obtained at Guantanamo Bay — the place that Obama and Eric Holder wanted closed! Thank God that their plans to close Guantanamo Bay were not achieved and the intel from there was used to identify the courier who then led our military to the actual luxurious, million-dollar, secured, mansion where Osama had been staying since perhaps 2005 — not in the mountains of Afghanistan but located only 1,000 feet from the Pakistani Military Academy.

The U. S. military had identified what they believed was Osama’a hideout mansion back in August 2010, and our military operation has been in the planning stages every since then.

Our superior Navy Seals, working with the intel from the highly trained CIA, were able to execute a successful mission. Thankfully our brave and well-trained forces were able to kill Osama, his son, and several other operatives during the 40-minute foray and did not suffer any casualties themselves.


Coincidentally, the Navy Seal military operation to kill Osama was given the go-ahead by Obama on Friday night (4.29.11) just as another very attention-grabbing story was breaking from The Washington Times.

Most of the focus on Obama’s “birth certificate” has been on the content of the long-form birth certificate that he released on 4.27.11. However, it turns out that the statements made on the document are not the real story.

Now forensic specialists have stepped in with their scientific explanations. The first link below is an interview with a forensic specialist who shows screenshots of how the layering process in Adobe Illustrator has been done to the birth certificate.

“Washington Times: Newly Released Obama Birth Certificate Forensic Forgery – 4/29/11.” Here is the link:

The second link is by a professional whose forensic specialty is using various sophisticated software including Adobe Illustrator, and he clearly demonstrates exactly how the fake certificate was produced:

“The best analysis by a professional so far” Here is that link:

The assumptions of the forensic specialists on these two YouTube videos are that either (1) the White House badly bungled the production of the fake long-form birth certificate or that (2) someone deliberately produced a document — which forensic scientists could easily prove was a fake — in an attempt to discredit Obama and his Presidency.


In the coming days, I feel sure there will be more to this forgery story. So far as I am concerned, it looks mighty fishy when Obama has spent millions of dollars to scrub out his past and you and I as common, everyday Americans have to provide more information to an insurance company to get a policy than Obama has had to provide to become the President of the most powerful country in the world.

Recently a friend sent me the requirements sent out by her employer. To get an insurance policy, my friend and her husband had to provide a government-issued copy of their marriage license and/or a copy of their income tax statement. They also had to provide a government-issued copy of their children’s birth certificates. The insurance company’s instructions clearly stated: “Copies of hospital statement of ‘live births’ are NOT acceptable.”


The point that Donald Trump and others still do not seem to understand is that the birth certificate is only one facet of our “Manchurian President.” Besides his actual birth documentation, he has sealed copies of his kindergarten records, Punahou school records, Occidental College records, Columbia University records, Columbia thesis, Harvard Law School records, Harvard Law Review articles, scholarly articles from the University of Chicago, passport, medical records, his files from his years as an Illinois state senator, his Illinois State Bar Association records, any baptism records, and his adoption records.


Besides The Washington Times, I also would like to commend people such as Dr. Orly Taitz, Joseph Farrah, Bob Unruh, Jerome R. Corsi, Aaron Klein, Brenda J. Elliott, Lt. Col. Terry Lakin, Alan Keyes, Steve Baldwin (Western Center for Journalism), and many others who have had the courage to stand up for our U. S. Constitution and make it clear that nobody is above the Rule of Law — not even Obama.

21 thoughts on “Carrying the ‘Birther’ Banner Forward

  1. Lady, you’re just a plain kook. It was correctly predicted that people like you would never be satisfied with any document provided, because it fails to validate your position. You nutjobs should crawl back under your rocks and wait for something legitimate to complain about.

  2. Nah… the “forgery” meme has already been shot down.
    Pres. Obama will get credit as The President Who Got Osama bin Laden.
    The birthers were already fully marginalized before Sunday afternoon. Now they’re up sh*t creek without a paddle.
    If the economy makes gradual improvement, he will win in 2012.
    If it falters, there’s a slim chance the GOP can beat him.
    The more shrill these loons become, the more they will be ignored.

  3. I just read the first couple of sentences of Dan’s post and had to drop down immediately to the comments section to express an opinion:

    “Oh no!!!! Not Donna Garner again!!! The female Foghorn Leghorn of Texas politics. Is there a baby chicken hawk with a club anywhere in the house???!!!!”

  4. “Besides his actual birth documentation, he has sealed copies of his kindergarten records, Punahou school records, Occidental College records, Columbia University records, Columbia thesis, Harvard Law School records, Harvard Law Review articles, scholarly articles from the University of Chicago, passport, medical records, his files from his years as an Illinois state senator, his Illinois State Bar Association records, any baptism records, and his adoption records.”

    Uh—-Donna. There are about 300,000,000 people in the United States. In case you have not noticed, most of these people and the organizations that watch over their records try very hard to keep such records confidential. People do not allow just any Tom, Dick, or Donna to go “tippy toe” through this bed of tulips. First of all, what is in these records is none of your business—just like your C-section scar is none of my business. Secondly, many of us have a few negatives in such records that we would really do not want to share with the world. For example, a friend of mine from Thailand was born without a uterus and did not discover that fact until after she was married. I doubt she would want to share this fact with the world in her medical records.

    Now, let’s get to the bottom line here Donna. You really want President Obama to disclose all of these NORMALLY KEPT secret records so you and your friends in the Texas Republican party can sift through them—like desperate little rats—to find something—any tiny little thing—that can be used to embarrass or otherwise harass or destroy the reputation of the President of the United States.

    I gotta tell you Donna. With people like you in Texas, I can see why no one in the White House wants to give Texas the time of day. In fact, if a No. 5 hurricane rolls into Galveston in September, I think he would be justified in waiting a month, or two, or seven on sending any federal aid into Texas just to pay your state back all of the mean-spirited venom towards him that comes out of Texas. But hey, if the hurricane comes, he will make the aid available anyway and as quickly as possible. Why is that? It is because he has a good heart and he stands 6 feet tall, whereas the people in Texas who are mean to him stand 6 centimeters tall.

  5. Here in Oregon, we have our conservative radio host Lars Larson, who also claims Obama’s birth certificate might be fake. Apparently, there’s a website somewhere where anyone can get their own Hawaii birth certificate (Lars got his as “Lars Hussein Larson”).

    So yeah, no matter what Obama produces, these people won’t be happy. On the bright side for Texas, they’re not the only ones with the loonies.

  6. Wow! Her “Personal Thanks” is a Who’s Who of American nutcases. Incidentally, I’m a Texas that voted for Obama. Not all of us are nuts.

  7. Has she complained about the secrecy of the Bush administration? He sealed his records as governor. He instructed all departments to have an unreasonable level for Freedom of informational requests. He discontinued publications by the government that inform the public of just what is happening. He pulled information from websites, reclassified open records, delayed releasing records to NARA, ignored requests from Congress for information, etc. Did she once complain about any of these actions? Is she really concerned with secrecy by the government?

    Some people on the Right, Ron Paul for instance, are concerned others are just biased kooks.

  8. In case you missed the New York Times article on the fraud and serial liar David Barton it’s here:

    The message, as always, from Bachmann, Gingrich, Huckabee, Palin et. al. is “John Q. American I have no respect whatsoever for your religious beliefs, my beliefs are far superior to yours and I will do everything I can to jam my extremist and perverse interpretation of Christianity down your throats. I will the United States government as my vehicle to achieve this goal. It doesn’t matter one iota to me what the Constitution says, I have nothing but complete distain for Jefferson, Franklin, Madison, Adams, Washington, Hamilton and Jay. It’s time to tear up the Constitution, we don’t need it, it’s time for the Bible and Biblical literalism to replace that antiquated pile of parchment.”

  9. dbtexas: We know that there are a lot of good people in Texas; it’s just that you are so badly outnumbered. Wen

  10. Oops, Wen. Texas is the third largest state in population. There are a lot of Texans, and Texans have big hearts.

    One thing I have never heard in Texas is calling a person a failure. No big Red F branded on the resume. Failure is a rite of passage. If you haven’t already crashed and burned, you never took off and took a chance.

    When the fit his the shan, Texans don’t care what flavor you are, they are glad to see you getting down to work.

    Basic Rights of a Texan, are to own a gun, drink and drive, to hell with speed limits, and to own a business (pron “bidness”)

    I am not a native Texan, but neither was Sam Houston.

  11. Dan… I’m a big fan, but referring to the wacks at Fox News as “folks” is a little generous.

    Keep up the good work.

  12. There are more than one brand of Foxes. Fox26News in Houston is determined to retain it’s own identity and freedom to choose conent and guests. It has been my honor to appear a fair number ot time on Fox26 on the occasion of incidents involving the National Defense and International Politics. They have never suggested a special twist or cant on what I say.

    Most recently, like last Monday, I was one six times concerning the death of OBL, and the subject of water boarding terror ssspects. Answer: too unreliable for the political cost in the Area of Operations.

    1. Gordon,
      We’ve also generally found Fox affiliates and their news teams to be much more balanced than the national Fox News Channel. Sadly, the latter often appears to be little more than a propaganda outfit.

  13. Dishonorable discharge Terry Lakin, is a fool, who needs him!

    Our president had already showed his US birth Certificate to;

    1. Get a US Passport;

    2. Become a US Senator;

    I feel sorry for all the little Birthers, It’s not their fault; it’s your families’ fault that taught you that you were better than other people based on race, creed ethnicity, color, nationality or sex, in short they engrained in you their hate (what a legacy).

    But you know at some point you need to grow up and act like an adult and think for yourself and distinguish what is true and what is BS.

    But there is where the little Birthers find yourself because we all know it was never about a birth certificate or grades, because we all know you want to go around wearing white sheets, burn crosses and hang people who are not like you, we know that your growth is stunted in your hate, and hate is what this is all about, you will never win anymore, and I feel sorry for all of you.

    I can only imagine when our President is re-elected what you phonies will lie about next. Oh, and just know, if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and sounds like a duck, it’s a duck, the little Birthers are a bunch of racists!

  14. 1 = US President/ Our Country
    0 = Bin Laden/ Birthers/ Trump/ Huckabee

    The “TRUTH will set you free”, you are free now, move along nothing to see here just more GOP lies!

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