BREAKING NEWS: Science Education Wins in Texas!

The State Board of Education just voted to adopt all of the high school biology and environmental science textbooks without watering down instruction on evolution and climate change. We just sent out the following press release:


No Compromise on Science Instruction about Evolution or Climate Change in Textbooks, TFN President Says

November 22, 2013

Despite last-minute efforts by some board members and political activists to derail the adoption of two textbooks, the State Board of Education today voted to adopt all of the proposed instructional materials up for adoption for high school biology and environmental science. Throughout the adoption process, publishers refused to make concessions that would have compromised science instruction on evolution and climate change in their textbooks, said Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller.

“It’s hard to overstate the importance of today’s vote, which is a huge win for science education and public school students in Texas,” Miller said. “Four years ago this board passed controversial curriculum standards some members hoped would force textbooks to water down instruction on evolution and climate change. But that strategy has failed because publishers refused to lie to students and parents demanded that their children get a 21st-century education based on established, mainstream science.”

The board voted to adopt all textbooks and instructional materials submitted by 14 publishers for high school biology and high school environmental science. None of those textbooks call into question the overwhelming evidence supporting evolution and climate change science.

The adoption of the Pearson biology textbook is contingent on the review by a panel of three science experts of factual “errors” alleged by an anti-evolution activist who served on the official state review team this summer. The publisher has insisted that the alleged errors are, in fact, accurate representations of established, mainstream science.

The board adopted the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt environmental science textbook after the publisher submitted a document agreeing to revise material that might be outdated. Scientists who have reviewed the publisher’s proposed revisions were satisfied that none of the revisions would compromise the integrity of the science in the textbook, Miller said.

13 thoughts on “BREAKING NEWS: Science Education Wins in Texas!

  1. It has been a long 5 years, and the truth has prevailed over Christian fundamentalist misunderstanding of the Biblical text in Genesis 1 and the lies and deceptions generated to support that misunderstanding. All TRUTH is HIS truth. The truth can never be defeated. It can be temporarily assaulted, but it can never be defeated:

  2. Let’s keep up the fight. Dogma and archaic mythology have no place in science education.
    Next year is the fight over Social Studies where America’s evangelical spinmeisters spread the lie that America is based on Christianity instead of the ideals of The Enlightenment.
    Don’t let dishonest people push Thomas Jefferson and other Deists into the margins. Don’t let them edit out Cesar Chavez and other minority and women leaders that shaped our country for the better.

    Evolution – aka REALITY – has won this battle, but those obsessed with polluting our modern education with archaic nonsense will not sit quietly.

    Let’s back TFN and others dedicated to protecting the integrity of our education.

  3. Fairy Tale explanations for REALITY have been defeated for the moment!

    It is time to teach the Children of this Nation that Our Nation was Invented by Free Thinkers and NOT the Puritans !

    this WILL be the next battle for REALITY with the Far Right Fundies for Fairy Tale Fantasies as Education Reform !

    1. I agree with that totally. The kids are being poorly educated which leads to lack of imagination. Texas i creating a generation of followers and not leaders.

  4. Put your hands together for the TfN who worked tirelessly to achieve this victory and continues to fight for good science education in Texas.

    And DONATE. I did and have for many years. Don’t just comment for free, put your money where your mouth is (or fingers, I guess) and support this organization.

    Dealing with creationists? Who wants to do that? Not me, so I’ll support the people who have the courage, time, education, dedication and patience to work the system.

    Well done TfN, well done!

  5. I’m pleased with today’s results. (whew!) I have been following articles on this site, and I look forward to hearing parts of the sound clip for SBOE’s meeting (when it gets posted on their site).

    Hmmm, I wonder if some kind person could suggest highlight moments to watch by making note of particular video times. That way, people like me wouldn’t have to wade through hours in search of moments like the “4 billion vs. 4.2 billion” discussion.

    Also, does anyone know of a website on which articles and comments about this ruling appear that are from the creationist crowd?

  6. The victory seems on the surface to be rather simplistic but long time observers and activists no better. this is the culmination of group effort with TFN leading, scientists testifying convincingly,individuals acting like activists with written and financial support, and board members resisting compromise and properly making their electorate proud. But (old kill joy warns)we know that the RR has a “fire ant” gene that make them persist no matter the defeats. Strategies for the future should not forget. this. In the meantime pop the cork!!

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