‘Dropout Recovery Program’ Could Lead to Private School Voucher Scheme in Texas

‘Dropout Recovery Program’ Could Lead to Private School Voucher Scheme in Texas Legislature Never Intended for Public Tax Dollars to Be Spent on Private School Tuition FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 27, 2008 AUSTIN – In Friday’s notification for a Request for Application for Dropout Recovery Programs, Education Commissioner Robert Scott made good on his threats […]

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Divisive Curriculum Revision Process Exposes Dysfunctional State Board of Education, TFN President Says

Divisive Curriculum Revision Process Exposes Dysfunctional State Board of Education, TFN President Says For Immediate Release May 23, 2008 AUSTIN – The State Board of Education’s confused, divisive and needlessly prolonged process for adopting new language arts curriculum standards has exposed how dysfunctional the education panel has become under the chairmanship of Don McLeroy, Texas […]

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Adult Stem Cells Are Only Part of Groundbreaking Medical Research Needing Support

Adult Stem Cells Are Only Part of Groundbreaking Medical Research Needing Support Embryonic Stem Cell Research Is Critical in Efforts to Provide Hope for Families Struggling with Serious Illness, TFN President Says Adult stem cells are only one important component of groundbreaking medical research that could one day help people with life-threatening and other serious […]

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The Right Freaks Out (Again) over Marriage

The California Supreme Court’s decision that two laws barring same-sex marriage violate that state’s constitution has, predictably, been followed by eruptions of fury from the far right. Kelly Shackelford of the Plano-based Free Market Foundation (Texas affiliate of the far-right Focus on the Family) said the decision was an example of “outrageous judicial activism. This exactly […]

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Jim Wallis Comes to Austin

Eileen Flynn has written an excellent column in the Austin American-Statesman discussing the misunderstanding of the label “evangelical” and promoting the Texas Freedom Network-sponsored Jim Wallis speaking event at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, May 13, at First United Methodist in Austin. Rev. Wallis will also speak with local faith leaders at a rally on the South Steps of […]

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