Feel the Hate

Texas State Board of Education member Cynthia Dunbar, R-Richmond, isn’t the only elected official who believes President-elect Barack Obama is a Marxist. A Republican congressman from Georgia, Paul Broun, apparently agrees that, by golly, he just might be a commie. He says a general proposal Sen. Obama made during the campaign to create a civilian force for […]

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Come on Baby, Light My Fire

The firestorm over Texas State Board of Education member Cynthia Dunbar’s vicious Internet rant against President-elect Barack Obama is growing. Blogs ranging from Daily Kos to the Texas Observer and points in between are calling out Dunbar’s venomous charge (among others) that Obama is a traitor who “truly sympathizes” with enemies out to destroy America. Dunbar […]

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Scared about Sex

The New Yorker magazine has published a fascinating piece that asks why so many evangelical teen-agers become pregnant. The piece by Margaret Talbot examines differing attitudes among evangelicals and others about sex education and related issues. The article also quotes from a Christian author who questions the prominent use of fear and shaming in abstinence-only […]

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More Extremism from Cynthia Dunbar

Texas State Board of Education member Cynthia Dunbar’s online essay last weekend accusing (now) President-elect Barack Obama of sympathizing with terrorists apparently wasn’t her first trip down the extremism highway. Fort Worth Star-Telegram columnist Linda Campbell today noted that another online essay by the Richmond Republican in September was even more extreme. In her earlier essay, […]

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Faith, Fear and Politics

We have seen no break in the pre- and post-election rhetoric from the religious right that links an incoming Barack Obama presidential administration with persecution of people of faith. Yesterday, for example, Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council had this to say:  “We are going to see, I think, unprecedented attacks against our faith through measures […]

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