What’s in a Name?

The folks at Free Market Foundation think their organization needs a new name. The Focus on the Family affiliate in Texas spends a lot of time trying to use government for promoting conservative  Christianity and suing school districts that resist. So in an e-mail blast asking supporters for help with a new name, they acknowledge that the “Free […]

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Backlash from the Right on Sex Ed

We didn’t have to wait long to start taking fire from right-wingers upset by the Texas Freedom Network Education Fund’s new report Just Say Don’t Know: Sexuality Education in Texas Public Schools. Just five hours after we released the report, TFN staffers received an e-mail blast from right-wing gadfly Donna Garner. You might remember Garner. […]

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Read the Report: Sex Education in Texas Schools

Today the Texas Freedom Network Education Fund released a major new study detailing how public schools in our state teach young people about sexuality and health. And the news is not good. Our new report — Just Say Don’t Know: Sexuality Education in Texas Public Schools — conclusively demonstrates that Texas is failing families and students when […]

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