Please Get David Barton a Real History Book

How did we miss this gem? Buried on page 62 of phony history “expert” David Barton’s 87-page review of the social studies draft curriculum standards is a short section calling for the following revision to the eighth-grade American History requirements: (C) analyze reasons for and the impact of selected examples of civil disobedience in U.S. history […]

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Experts Ain’t What They Used to Be

Question: What do you do if you are appointed to a position — say, to an expert curriculum review panel — for which you have no relevant credentials or qualifications? Answer: Make up some fancy-sounding credentials. That appears to be what State Board of Education-appointed “expert” David Barton has done. As readers of TFN Insider […]

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Sen. Shapleigh to SBOE: Skating on Thin Ice

Think Texas lawmakers forgot about the State Board of Education after this year’s legislative session came to a close on June 1? Don’t bet on it. Republican legislative leaders might have stopped efforts to reform the state board during the session, but the state board has done plenty since then to remind lawmakers why those […]

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Legislative Heroes

The Texas Freedom Network was grateful for the strong efforts of Texas legislators who worked in Austin this year on critical issues such as responsible sex education, medical research and public education. We had some important victories and some disappointing setbacks. But along the way we worked with legislators who fearlessly championed mainstream values and […]

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The Good Book Goes to School

Two years ago, the state of Texas passed a law encouraging — but NOT mandating — elective Bible courses in public schools. (TFN and other religious and civil liberties groups worked very hard to make sure this new law included a few common-sense safeguards that would prevent teachers from turning such courses into Sunday school […]

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