Interesting Timing, Chuck

We hope we don’t get beat down for daring to mess with Chuck Norris, but here goes. For a while now, the movie and TV star — and now far-right icon — has been penning opinion pieces for the far-right propagandist website WorldNetDaily. In part three of what he calls the “Top 10 U.S. infiltrations […]

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Publisher Proposes Creationist Materials

A 2009 decision by the Texas State Board of Education has enabled creationists to once again try to mess with science in public school classrooms in Texas. Read the Press Release from the Texas Freedom Network and the National Center for Science Education The Texas Education Agency has released proposed supplemental web-based materials for science […]

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Celebrate the First Amendment

Our friends at the San Antonio Chapter of Americans United for Separation of Church and State are extending an open an invitation to their “First Amendment Day Celebration,” next Saturday, April 30. “First Amendment Day Celebration!” Celebrating the Constitution and the Bill of Rights 1 – 4 p.m., Saturday, April 30 Radius Center, 106 Auditorium […]

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